
Pva-shop.com guarantees you:
We provide a guarantee for all types of goods and services presented on our website. If the product or service you purchased does not match the description on the site, we will immediately replace the product (service) or refund your money. Invalid account is the main reason for requesting a refund from your side or replacement of goods. Our party guarantees you a replacement product (Service) or a refund in case of such cases.




The main thing for us is your trust! We are happy to supply you with high-quality accounts for SMM and SMO marketing, so that you can get maximum results. In this regard, we would like to resolve any disputed issue in your favor. However, it is unwise to abuse our trust for our own benefit. If a client completely ignores our advice on safe work with accounts, we will refund him the money and refuse service.



We provide a lifetime warranty in the form of free technical support for our product (Services), subject to the rules of safe work with accounts and groups. For a more efficient solution of all warranty cases, we recommend that you contact us within 24 hours after the purchase.